Once you have begun a Splice subscription, please download the Splice Desktop App here: splice.com/download
Please make sure to sign into the app with the account with an active Splice subscription.
From there, please head to the "Apps & Plug-ins" section on the lefthand side under 'Your Library'
Under the Splice section, you will see the Bridge. Please click "Install"
Please follow your computer's installation prompts.
Once installation is complete, please either restart your DAW, or rescan for third-party plugins.
Please make sure the Splice App is open to authorize Bridge before opening your DAW.
The Splice Desktop App needs to be open every three days in order to authorize the Bridge license.
In order to make sure Bridge appears in your DAW, please refer to the following DAW-specific installation instructions below:
You can update or reinstall Bridge via the "Apps & Plug-ins" section of the Desktop App. To manage your subscriptions, please visit splice.com/profile/plans
On Mac, Bridge will install to these locations automatically:
AU: Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/SpliceBridge.component
VST3: Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/SpliceBridge.vst3
On Windows, Bridge will install to this location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3