What is included in the Splice x Studio One plan?
For Studio One Pro 7 users, the Splice x Studio One plan gives you access to the entire Splice library of royalty-free sounds inside the DAW.
You can license up to 100 sounds per day by dragging and dropping any sound you like inside the DAW.
You’ll also get 100 intro credits to use on the Splice Desktop App, website, or mobile app to download presets, MIDI files, and other pack extras.
Access to AI features that allow you to search the Splice catalog with your own sounds.
Does the Splice x Studio One plan include Studio One Pro 7?
No — you will need to purchase your own copy of Studio One Pro 7 separately.
How much does the Splice x Studio One plan cost?
The Splice x Studio One plan costs $12.99 USD/mo
Who has access to the Splice Studio One integration?
All Studio One Pro 7 users can access the Splice Studio One integration directly in the DAW.
With a free Splice account, you can download free sounds.
For full access to the entire Splice catalog, you must be on a paid subscription (Splice x Studio One, Sounds+*, Creator, Creator+)
*Sounds+ plans will have limited-time access to the Studio One integration.
What is the difference between the Splice x Studio One plan and regular Splice plans?
The Splice x Studio One plan does not include recurring credits, as downloads in Studio One Pro 7 do not require credits. (The plan does include 100 intro credits and the option to purchase credit add-ons.)
The core Splice plans — Sounds+, Creator, and Creator+ — all have recurring credits
Sounds+: 100 monthly recurring credits
Creator: 200 monthly recurring credits
Creator+: 500 monthly recurring credits
Splice core plans also include access to Bridge, allowing you to audition samples in other DAWs, such as Ableton or Logic Pro.
Creator and Creator+ plans come with our first-party plugins, Astra & Beatmaker, as well as our educational content and Rare Finds search tool.
If I’m on core Splice plan and buy Studio One Pro 7, can I get access to the integration?
Yes. After installing Studio One Pro 7, log into your Splice account in the Splice tab. More instructions here.
Please note, if you are on a Sounds+ plan, access to the integration will only be available for a limited time. Creator and Creator+ plans have full access.
I am on a legacy Sounds plan (Sounds 100, 300, 600, 1000), can I use the Splice Studio One integration?
Unfortunately, legacy Sounds subscribers will not have access to the Splice Studio One integration in Studio One Pro 7. Studio One Pro 7 users can change their subscription here: https://splice.com/profile/plans/change
What can I do for free in the Studio One Pro 7 integration?
All Studio One Pro 7 users who create a free Splice account have access to thousands of curated sounds made free inside Studio One Pro 7.
Can I pause my Splice x Studio One plan?
Yes, you can pause your plan for up to two months.
When you pause, you won’t be able to license new sounds in the DAW, but you can still download free content.
You’ll also be able to access your previously-licensed sounds from the Desktop App, website, and mobile app.
You can use the “Search with Sound” feature, but will only be able to license free content.
What happens when I cancel my Splice x Studio One plan?
You will have access to download new sounds in the Studio One integration until the end of your billing cycle.
Once the billing cycle ends, you will not be able to download new sounds, but can still access free content in the DAW and your previously-licensed sounds in the Splice Desktop App, website, and mobile app.
Any remaining credits on your account will expire 28 days after the end of your last billing cycle.
Can I Rent-to-Own Studio One Pro 7?
Unfortunately, Studio One Pro 7 is not available on Splice’s Rent-to-Own platform. Please go to the manufacturer to acquire a copy.
Do I need a Splice account to use the Splice Studio One integration?
No — you can still preview sounds without an account. However, to download free content and use Search with Sound, you will need to create a free account here.
For more information on using the Splice Studio One integration, please view our article here.