Once you’ve finished paying for Massive, you can activate the plugin using Native Access. Follow these steps:
Step 1: Find Your Serial Key
After completing your payments for Massive, you can find your serial key here.
Step 2: Download Native Access
If you don’t already have Native Access, you can download it here.
If you're already a Native Instruments customer, you likely already have Native Access installed.
Step 3: Install and Launch Native Access
Install Native Access after downloading and then open the application.
Step 4: Create an Account (if you don’t have one)
If you don’t already have a Native Instruments account, follow the prompts to create one within Native Access.
Step 5: Add Your Serial
Once logged in, navigate to the "Add a serial number" section in Native Access and enter the serial key listed here.
This action is accessible through the Native Access sidebar.
Final Step: Activate Your Plugin
After adding your serial number, restart your Massive plugin and it will be activated and ready to use.