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Solving Serum 2 license and authorization issues

If you receive an error stating that Serum 2 needs to be verified or that you need to refresh your license with Splice, please read below.

Updated yesterday

If you simply need help upgrading from Serum to Serum 2, please click here.

Step 1: Check Your Lease Status

First, confirm whether you are still renting Serum or if you have fully paid it off by visiting your plans page and finding your Serum lease:

  1. If you are still renting, the plan will say "Active."

  2. If you have paid off Serum, it will say "Owned."

Find your lease status, then follow the instructions below:

I am still renting Serum (Active)

If you are still renting Serum and experiencing a licensing error, you could be having an issue with verifying the Rent-to-Own license. These steps should resolve the issue:

  1. Close out of the Splice Desktop App

  2. Close your DAW

  3. Relaunch Splice and log into the account with the active Serum plan

  4. Open your DAW and launch the software

If issues persist:

  • Make sure that your Serum subscription is active and your payments are up to date:

  • Close your DAW and reinstall Serum 2 from the Apps & Plugins section in the Splice app.

  • Reinstall the Splice Desktop App (Download here).

  • Log out of Splice, then log back in to generate a new license.

  • Relaunch your DAW and Serum 2.

I have paid off Serum (Owned)

If you have finished paying for Serum 2, or if you paid off Serum and are looking to upgrade to Serum 2, you will need to retrieve your lifetime license for Serum 2 through your Xfer account. Follow these steps below:

  1. Log in to your Xfer Records account: Xfer Records Login

  2. Download Serum 2 from this page: Serum 2 Download

  3. Install and launch Serum 2.

  4. In the splash screen, click the "Authorize" button to log into your Xfer account again and authorize the plugin.

If you have trouble logging in, check our guide: How to Access the Xfer Records Site After Purchasing Through Splice.

"This machine is not yet authorized for Serum 2" error won't go away

If you have completed all the troubleshooting steps above and are still seeing this error, you may have reached your activation limit for Serum 2.

Xfer allows activations on up to 4 machines. If you have exceeded this limit:

This machine is not yet authorized for Serum 2

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