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Serum 2 FAQ

All your Serum 2 questions answered in one place.

Updated yesterday

If I purchased Serum from Splice, how do I get Serum 2?

If I’m still renting Serum from Splice, how do I get Serum 2?

  • All Serum users will receive a free upgrade to Serum 2. If you’re still renting, Serum 2 will show up in the “Apps & Plugins” section of the Desktop App for you to install. You will have access to both for the duration of your lease. More information here.

How much does Serum 2 cost through Splice?

  • Serum 2 costs $249 USD. The Rent-to-Own option is $9.99/month for 25 months.

Xfer is selling Serum 2 for an intro price of $189 until June 1st. Why can’t I get the discounted price on Splice?

  • Unfortunately, we cannot honor sales prices at this time. We offer Rent-to-Own at a special price year-round since you can pay for it monthly during the installment period, instead of all at once. While we cannot honor sales prices the manufacturer offers, we're hoping that the low monthly price is a workable solution for creators.

Do I need a Splice subscription to use Serum 2?

  • You do not need a Splice subscription to lease Rent-to-Own software. However, many users like to have both so they can purchase custom presets.

Is there a free trial for Serum 2?

  • Yes — Serum 2 has a 3-day free trial. However, if you are already renting Serum, you will have free access to Serum 2 through your Serum subscription and will not receive a trial as you'll be granted immediate access.

Will my Serum presets work on Serum 2?

  • Yes! All presets made for Serum will work on Serum 2. Unfortunately, Serum 2 presets will not work on Serum, though. More info here.

How many machines can I authorize Serum 2 on?

  • Xfer allows activations on up to 4 machines. If you have exceeded this limit, please click here to resolve the issue.

Do I need the Splice Desktop App to use Serum 2?

  • While you are renting Serum 2, you must have the latest version of the Splice Desktop App installed and open every three days during your lease. After you’ve paid off Serum 2, the Splice Desktop App is no longer required.

I’m getting an error screen when I try to open Serum 2 — how do I fix it?

  • If you are seeing an error screen that says:

    • This machine is not yet authorized for Serum 2

    • Refresh your license with Splice

    • It looks like Serum 2 needs to be verified for this machine

  • Please complete the troubleshooting in this article: Solving Serum 2 license and authorization issues

Will I truly own Serum 2 after I pay it off?

How do I get a serial key for Serum 2?

  • Serum 2 does not require serial keys. While renting, you will authorize the plugin every three days by having the Splice Desktop App open. Once you finish paying for Serum 2, you will activate the lifetime copy through your Xfer Records account.

I have a serial key for Serum, do I need to use that for Serum 2?

  • No — the serial key for Serum is not necessary for Serum 2. You will activate Serum 2 through your Xfer Records account. More information here.

What are the system requirements to use Serum 2?

  • For the most up-to-date system requirements and host compatibility details, please visit the manufacturer's website.

  • However, please note that while renting software through Splice, you must have the Splice Desktop App installed. The system requirements for Splice are:

    • macOS 10.15+

    • Windows 10+

What are the differences between Serum and Serum 2?

  • Serum 2 takes everything producers love about the original and pushes it further. It introduces a third oscillator and new synthesis types like granular, spectral, and multisample, giving you even more creative control. The enhanced modulation system with advanced LFOs and envelopes lets you craft intricate, evolving sounds, while the new arpeggiator and MIDI clip system streamline sequencing for both studio and live performance.

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