If you are attempting to authorize your copy of Serum 2 and receiving a "You do not own Serum 2" error, please check the following:
1. Check Your Plan Status
If you're still renting Serum / Serum 2, you won’t be able to authorize a lifetime copy until your lease is fully paid.
You can check the status of your plan here.
2. Confirm You're Using the Correct Xfer Records Account
If you've completed your lease but still see this error, you may be logged into the wrong Xfer Records account.
Visit this page to check the email linked to your Xfer account.
Make sure you're signing in with the email associated with your original Serum lease.
3. Update Your Email (If Needed)
If you no longer have access to the email linked to your Xfer account, follow the instructions here to update it.